Staff Fighting Training<p>The French system of la canne is still practiced as a competitive sport. A self-defense adaptation of la canne developed by Swiss master-at-arms Pierre Vigny in the early 1900s has been revived as part of the curriculum of bartit
What follows is a list of stick fighting techniques from my book, 1001 street fighting secrets. It is my hope that you can employ these techniques to improve your odds of winning a fight. When you are done reading these guidelines, you might want to also look at my street stick fighting DVD.
Warning!Articles are property of Sammy Franco and Contemporary Fighting Arts, LLC. Reprint or distribution is strictly prohibited. Sammy Franco will aggressively prosecute those found publishing Contemporary Fighting Arts materials on the Internet without written permission. Copyright 1998-2014, Contemporary Fighting Arts. All rights reserved.
The term is generally accepted to refer to a shaft of hardwood from 6 to 9 feet (1.8 to 2.7 m) long, sometimes with a metal tip, ferrule, or spike at one or both ends. The term "short staff" compares this to the "long staff" based on the pike with a length in excess of 11 to 12 feet (3.4 to 3.7 m). The height of the staff should be around the same as the user plus their hand set upright on their head (usually about 20 centimeters).[2]
Aikido Bo Staff Techniques
The mirror hanging on the staff Is the Enlightenment that shines within. The sharp knife indicates That the pain of passions will be cut. The stone-crystal symbolizes The purifying of defiled habitual thoughts.
Staff Fighting Mgsv
Traditional European systems of stick-fighting included a wide variety of methods of quarterstaff combat, which were detailed in numerous manuscripts written by masters-at-arms. Many of these methods became extinct but others adapted and survived as folk-sports and self-defence systems. Examples include Portugal's jogo do pau, the related juego del palo of the Canary Islands, France's canne de combat or la canne, Poland's palcaty and Italy's scherma di bastone. Giuseppe Cerri's 1854 manual Trattato teorico e pratico della scherma di bastone is influenced by masters of the Italian school of swordsmanship, Achille Marozzo and perhaps Francesco Alfieri.
Aikido Bo Staff Techniques
"Basho said to his disciple: "When you have a staff, I will give it to you. If you have no staff, I will take it away from you." Mumon's comment: When there is no bridge over the creek the staff will help me. When I return home on a moonless night the staff will accompany me. But if you call this a staff, you will enter hell like an arrow.
Now, I'm the first to state it's highly unlikely that you will be faced with a situation where you will fight a criminal adversary with two sticks in your hands. Perhaps in a Rambo movie but not in a real world self defense situation. So why is it important to practice fighting with two sticks (also called double stick training) at the same time? Well, the following list will show you just how beneficial it can be for the aspiring martial artists and self defense technician.
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There is a right way and wrong way to hold a kali stick when stick sparring. Knowing the difference can save your life! When holding your rattan stick, always allow enough room (approximately one fist length) on the bottom portion of your weapon. First, when you hold your kali stick in this fashion, it actually converts one stick into two weapons useful weapons. The end portion can now be used for butting techniques at close quarter combat range. Second, it provides greater leverage which improves your impact power. Third, it significantly enhances your weapon retention when fighting.